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Kirill Kondrashin in concert with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra

Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra

Kirill Kondrashin in concert with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra

Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711252600901
Catnr: GLO 6009
Release date: 01 January 2013
1 CD
Catalogue number
GLO 6009
Release date
01 January 2013

About the album

Authentieke interpretaties van Tchaikovsky door Russisch toporkest
De werken op dit album werden opgenomen tijdens een concert op 29 maart 1978 in Moskou in uitstekende geluidskwaliteit voor een live optreden. De werken zijn uitgevoerd door het Moskous Filharmonisch Orkest, toentertijd geleid door de grote dirigent Kirill Kondrashin.

Kirill Kondrashin, wiens onverwachte en tragische dood door een hartaanval in 1981 op 67 jarige leeftijd de wereld één van zijn grootste dirigenten heeft ontnomen, was hoofddirigent van het Moskous Filharmonisch Orkest van 1960 tot 1975. In deze vijftien jaar bracht hij het orkest op een internationaal niveau. Kondrashin genoot enorme prestige in de Sovjet Unie en daarbuiten, met belangrijke componisten die werken aan hem toewijdden. Hij verhuisde naar het Westen in 1978 wegens politieke en persoonlijke redenen, kreeg asiel in Nederland en werd benoemd tot vaste gastdirigent van het Koninklijk Concertgebouw Orkest, naast Bernard Haitink. Kondrashin is ook de eerste Sovjet dirigent die na de oorlog dirigeerde in de Verenigde Staten, waar zijn succes ook overweldigend was. Vooral zijn verschijning in 1958 met Van Cliburn, de eerste Amerikaan in de geschiedenis die de Tchaikovsky Competitie won, bracht hem grote internationale bekendheid.

De uitvoering van Tchaikovsky’s Pathetique en stukken uit het Notenkraker Ballet door het Moskous Filharmonisch en Kirill Kondrashin hebben geen toelichting nodig, omdat het duidelijk is dat deze interpretaties behoren tot de meest authentieke uit de muziekgeschiedenis, uitgevoerd door een top orkest.


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky is considered as one of the most talented Russian composers of the 19th century. Unlike many other Russian composers of his time, he studied at a conservatory and made the western music theory his own. So, he was not as distrustful of western music as the group of nationalistic composers surrounding Balakirev. Yet, Tchaikovsky sought to express the typical Russian mentality just as much and used many Russian folk songs in his music.  He had a good relationship with Balakirev, who helped him with constructive feedback on his first masterpiece, the overture of Romeo and Juliet. At times, Tchaikovsky was emotionally unstable, which has often been attributed to struggles with his homosexuality. His decision to marry proved to be disastrous...
Tchaikovsky is considered as one of the most talented Russian composers of the 19th century. Unlike many other Russian composers of his time, he studied at a conservatory and made the western music theory his own. So, he was not as distrustful of western music as the group of nationalistic composers surrounding Balakirev. Yet, Tchaikovsky sought to express the typical Russian mentality just as much and used many Russian folk songs in his music. He had a good relationship with Balakirev, who helped him with constructive feedback on his first masterpiece, the overture of Romeo and Juliet. At times, Tchaikovsky was emotionally unstable, which has often been attributed to struggles with his homosexuality. His decision to marry proved to be disastrous and plunged him into a deep crisis. Yet, the passionate letters of his fiance, even though they barely knew each other, did inspire him to compose his succesful opera Evgenij Onegin. Tchaikovsky had the wonderful gift of composing the most beautiful, lyric melodies. He had a feeling for creating a certain atmosphere in his music and mastered the art of orchestration. Moreover, he excelled in dance music, which made him the ideal composer for ballet. With his ballets The Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker he brought the genre to a higher level. During his life, he was already a celebrity. He often did tours to conduct his music and in the USA he was welcomed as a star. He died unexpectedly, nine days after the premiere of his incredibly gloomy Sixth Symphony, probably of cholera. Some other highlights of his body of works are his First Piano Concerto, his Violin Concerto and the Rococo-variations.


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